These are a few videos I have made over the last years.
For videos of my TV work, please see here.
Be warned about making videos while Wayfaring. It can become a hugely involving task, and take over your mind and time. As well as your budget and backpack space…
That being said, I have discovered things through making videos that I would never have otherwise noticed. Like the exact location a friend dropped his expensive new tent while leaping through summer meadows. He was very worried, but a quick glimpse at the video clips told us all we needed.
Happy watching!
(More videos are available at my YouTube channel…)

Hartlake Bridge SongQuest

Day 1 of the Old Way

Thomas Becket Water Pilgrimage 2020

Robert Frost - Stopping by Woods (poem to improv melody)

Making a new WW1 Memorial

A Journey to England's oldest 'virgin' Oak Tree

Song of the Battle of Lewes

The Yews of Kingley Vale

The Holy Well of Llandrindod Wells

Pais Dinogad

The Life of Man

Maria Durch Ein Dornwald Ging

The Weeping Elm of Jevington

Jerusalem - The Song of England...

Australian Pilgrims on the Old Way

Holy Water at Winchelsea

Baobab Plane Trees of Canterbury

Eastbourne Holy Well

Greenwich Song Pilgrimage